Julia's Website

We match inside and out

Julia, I made you this website because since I first learnt the basic of html code I know you wanted me to make you a website, so I have finally pulled my finger out and made you this poor-excuse for a website. Also, I know you loved the show 13 reasons why so I have made my own 13 reasons why I made this for you:

You ma P.I.C dawg

I made this for many reasons. One being that you wanted me to make it a while ago (I know you were joking but you know more that I'm extra)

I love your top and your hair like that

Another being that it makes me seem smart (totally the main one yup)

I know you love this picture

Another being that we are both forgetful, and we aren't the most lucky with technology and should our phones fail we will have this to remeber things with.

This is my second ever instagram

Another is that I know you love organised thing so what better to do than organise ou relationship into cute little parts.

A rightful crown upon a queen's head

Another is to love you in a way that is as unique as you. So I have personally written every line of code behind this website. Right down to the RGB levels in eah colour.

I don't carrot all who see's this bomb picture

Another reason is so that anyone worldwide can know I have the best girlfirend

This just speaks for itself. Iconic

Another is as an attempt to pay you back for the multitude of personal, well -thought-out and cute things you have done for me.

There is that perfect smile. For the cookie obvs

Another is because we are infinite and so is this website.


Another reason is because nobody else seems to appreicate you enough so you ar emore than owed a few hundred websites.

Beautiful in all colours

Another is because you inspire me to do things I would never do before in order to woo you (jkjk me fair maiden fam)

More sunny days on the field like this please

Another reason is to see you smile when you read all of this, and hopefully use it when you are feeling bad.

You're perfect shoulder height

the main reason being that I love you, and I plan to damn well show that in any form. Including a website.

You make me nuts but ily

So, while this website may be kinda poor and have its glitches. It is yours.(lol @me)

You are most beautiful when you smile